Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf, General Psychology

Ulm University, Germany

Anke Huckauf studied psychology at universities of Frankfurt/Main, Mainz, and RWTH Aachen, where she also received her PhD. She headed a Juniorprofessorship at the faculty Media, Bauhaus-University in Weimar. Since 2009, she holds a full professorship for General Psychology at Ulm University, Germany. Her main research interests are on perception out of focus and gaze-based interaction.

Anke Huckauf has published more than 100 research articles on basic perception as well as on applied topics of eye input and gaze-based interaction. She has organized several international and national events, and has served as member of editorial boards. Anke Huckauf coordinates the Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU and leads Work Packages 1: User Understanding and 8: Management.

Prof. Dr. Roman Bednarik

University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Roman Bednarik is an Associate Professor of Interactive Technologies at the University of Eastern Finland and group leader for Interactive Technologies Research Group. The group employs human behavior sensing and understanding, computational modeling and data intensive analysis methods, and design approaches to gain deep understanding of user behavior. With clinical and non-clinical partners we co-develop hardware and software systems for- and with users and operators in skilled tasks, such as microsurgery and other image-based surgeries, forest machine operation, eye-hand coordination tasks, problem solving, and programming. Implementations include intelligent training and simulation environments, medical technologies, and augmentative technologies for a wide range of user populations.

Prof. Mária Bieliková

Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, Slovakia

Mária Bieliková is a leading researcher at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies and an external collaborator at Brno University of Technology. She specializes in modeling human machine interactions, personalization, adaptation of the Web, and machine learning. Maria has supervised 19 successful doctoral graduates to date. She co-authored 70+ journal publications, 200+ conference papers, received 4,200+ citations (Google Scholar h-index 29), and has been the principal investigator in 40+ research projects. Mária Bieliková leads Work Package 6: Transferable Skills.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Bulling

University of Stuttgart, Germany

Andreas Bulling is Full Professor (W3) of Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart and Director of the research group Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Systems. He is also Founding Director of the Stuttgart ELLIS unit, Faculty at the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS), and Member in the Cluster of Excellence "Data-integrated Simulation Science" (SimTech) as well as the Stuttgart Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS). In 2021, he was ranked top 2% HCI scientists in the world (ranking 172 out of 13,251 worldwide and 4th in Germany), as well as top 1% in the field of Human Factors worldwide (47 out of 14,266). Andreas Bulling leads Work Package 2: Gaze Communication.

Prof. Dr. Izabela Krejtz

SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw

Dr. hab. Izabela Krejtz is an associate professor of psychology at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland. She is a recognized researcher in the field of educational and cognitive psychology, and daily experience measured with the momentary ecological assessment. She is an author of several dozens of international scientific publications, among which a large amount was based on eye tracking methods (Google Scholar: IH = 24, citations > 1750). She regularly teaches experimental research methodology in the context of various eye tracking applications. Izabela Krejtz leads together with Krzysztof Krejtz Work Package 4: Empirical Research Methods and Work Package 3: In the Wild.

Dr. Peter Kiefer

ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Dr. Peter Kiefer is a Senior Scientist at the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), where he is leading the geoGAZElab. His research activities are located at the intersection of Eye Tracking , Geographic Information Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Spatial Cognition, and Artificial Intelligence. His research is focused on supporting humans while making spatial decisions through eye-tracking and other interaction modalities.

Prof. Dr. Dan Witzner Hansen

IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dan Witzner Hansen has an interdisciplinary background with extensive research experience in eye tracking, computer vision  and machine learning. His research goal is to understand which information can be measured from the eyes and be used in out-of-laboratory settings and give value to our societies.. This work has led me to work with researchers, ALS patients, doctors, ophthalmologist and elite sports athletes and their trainers in Denmark and beyond. Dan Witzner Hansen is co-founder of the Danish Pioneer Center for AI.

Dr. Krzysztof Krejtz

SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw

Krzysztof Krejtz is a psychologist at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland, where he is leading the Eye Tracking Research Center. In 2017 he was a guest professor at Ulm University, in Ulm, Germany. He gave several invited talks at e.g., Max-Planck Institute (Germany), Bergen University (Norway), and Lincoln University Nebraska (USA). He has extensive experience in social and cognitive psychology research methods and statistics. In his research, he focuses on the use of eye tracking method and developing a second-order eye data-based metrics that may capture the dynamics of attention and information processing processes (transitions matrices entropy, ambient-focal coefficient K), dynamics of attention process in the context of Human-Computer Interaction, multimedia learning, media user experience, and accessibility. He is a member of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Application (ACM ETRA) Steering Committee. Krzysztof Krejtz leads together with Izabela Krejtz Work Package 4: Empirical Research Methods and Work Package 3: In the Wild.

Dr. Róbert Móro

Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, Slovakia

Róbert Móro is a Senior Researcher at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies focusing on user modeling, personalization and machine learning. He obtained a Doctoral degree (PhD.) in Intelligent Software Systems in 2017 at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, where he also worked as an Assistant Professor from 2017 to 2020. He co-authored more than 40 research papers and collaborated on several international and national research projects, including research collaborations with the University of Lugano, the University of British Columbia, and the Pennsylvania State University. Róbert Móro co-leads Work Package 6: Transferable Skills.