Filippo Baldisserotto
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
Filippo Baldisserotto is a doctoral candidate at the Eye-Tracking Research Center at the SWPS University in Warsaw. He joined the Eyes4ICU project in February 2023. He graduated from the University of Padua in Italy and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social and Work Psychology and a Master’s degree in Applied Cognitive Psychology. His master’s thesis was focused on the use of advanced driver-assistance systems for improving driving behavior and his research interests lie in the fields of traffic psychology and human-machine interaction. His current research work is focused on the use of eye movement dynamics for the prediction of heavy-machine operators' attentiveness and alertness.
Filippo Baldisserotto is working on DC project 8.

Mehtap Çakır
Ulm University, Germany
Mehtap Çakır is a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science, and Psychology at Ulm University. She holds a master’s degree with High Honors in Cognitive Sciences from Yeditepe University, Turkey. Her previous research experience covers the investigation of inattention and mind wandering using eye-tracking technologies as a member of the Computational Neuroscience and Visual Perception (CNVP) lab based at the University of Twente. She currently investigates eye parameters in the context of crowd attention and interpersonal synchronization within MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU.
Mehtap Çakır is working on DC project 9.

Lin Che
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Lin Che is a doctoral candidate who joined the geoGAZElab, the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zurich in April 2023, working on the “Eyes for Information, Communication, and Understanding” (Eyes4ICU) project. He was previously Senior R&D Engineer at Spatio-temporal Big Data Mining Group, DiDi Technology. He received his Master’s degree in Cartography from TU Munich, Germany, and his Bachelor’s degree in Geographical Information Science from Wuhan University, China. His research interests lie in Eye Tracking & Spatial Cognition, GeoAI, and Spatio-temporal Big Data Mining.
Lin Che is working on DC project 6.

Merve Ekin
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
Merve Ekin is a Ph.D. student at SWPS University, Eye Tracking Research Center since April 2023. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Ankara University and a Master's degree in Clinical Neuroscience from Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey. During her master's studies, she worked with eye-tracking methods in psychiatric and neurological diseases. Her thesis was related to saccadic eye movements in the prodromal stage of psychosis and bipolar disorder. She has several publications related to oculomotor changes in certain pathologies. She is currently working on cognitive load, multimedia learning, and gaze-based machine learning models, in real-time situations under the supervision of Prof. Izabela Krejtz and Prof. Krzysztof Krejtz.
Merve Ekin is working on DC project 7.

Valentin Foucher
Ulm University, Germany
Valentin Foucher is a doctoral candidate in the Eyes4ICU project. After an Industrial Engineer diploma and an M.Sc in Biomedical Engineering from École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) in France, he came to Ulm to work on deceptive intentions recognition. Under Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf’s supervision, he is investigating the bounds between deceptive intentions and eye movements as well as pupil motion.
Valentin Foucher is working on DC project 1.

Chuhan Jiao
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Chuhan Jiao is a doctoral candidate in the Perceptual User Interfaces group since December 2022. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology from Donghua University, and a Master's degree (with honours) in Computer Science from Aalto University. His research interest lies at the intersection of computer vision and human-computer interaction. He now works on Unsupervised Learning of Deep Gaze Behavior Representations within MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU.
Chuhan Jiao is working on DC project 2.

David Kovacs
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
David Kovacs is a doctoral candidate working on the Eyes4ICU project at the IT University of Copenhagen. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science at Aarhus University in Denmark, then pursued a Master's degree in Computational Cognitive Science at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. His interest in eye information was sparked during his master's thesis, where he made use of eye trackers to investigate user behavior on a digital learning platform specifically designed to foster self-regulated learning. He is currently researching eye information privacy and security under the supervision of Dan Witzner Hansen. His other research interests include machine learning, cognitive neuroscience and cognitive architectures.
David Kovacs is working on DC project 5.

Santiago de Leon-Martinez
Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, Slovakia
Santiago de Leon-Martinez is a Spanish American doctoral candidate at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies. He has a master’s degree in Health Information Engineering from the University Carlos III of Madrid, with previous research experience in physics, neurobiology, chemistry, and mathematics. He began university level research in high school, as part of a gifted and talented program. At his undergraduate institution, the University of Kentucky, he received the highest merit-based scholarship and graduated with three bachelor degrees in 4 years: mathematics, chemistry, and Spanish. In 2018, he joined two ongoing research groups in Madrid, Spain, one in psychiatry at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation and the other in machine learning at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He has multiple publications spanning the fields of mathematical number theory, psychiatry, and machine learning. His current research is focused on user modeling and eye tracking in recommender systems to improve recommendations for carousel-based interfaces.
Santiago de Leon-Martinez is working on DC project 4.

Huajian Qiu
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Huajian Qiu is a PhD student in the Collaborative Artificial Intelligence group since November 2024. Before starting his PhD, he obtained his Master's degree in computational science from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and his Bachelor's degree from Harbin Institute of Technology. He worked as a master's thesis student and research intern on motion estimation at the SIP lab at ETH Zurich. His research interest is in HCI, gaze/human motion estimation, and computer vision. He now works on computational modelling of eye-head-body coordination within the MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU.
Huajian Qiu is working on DC project 10.

Mohammadhossein Salari
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Mohammadhossein Salari is currently a doctoral researcher at the Interactive Technologies Lab at the University of Eastern Finland. He works under the guidance of Prof. Roman Bednarik (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) and Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf (Ulm University, Germany). In 2016, he graduated from Shiraz University of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering - Electronics. After graduation, he gained approximately 5 years of professional experience in the field, serving in various roles such as an R&D Developer, the head of an R&D team, and a CTO. He continued his academic journey at Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, earning a Master of Science degree in Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in 2021. During his master’s program, he explored the application of traditional image processing techniques for change detection, as well as deep learning methods for object detection and image classification in satellite imagery. He has a keen interest in computer vision and AI at the Edge devices, the development of affordable eye-trackers for everyday use, and the practical application and performance evaluation of eye-tracking technology in real-world scenarios.
Mohammedhossein Salari is working on DC project 3.

Hasnain Ali Shah
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Hasnain Ali Shah is a doctoral candidate at the School of Computing at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) in Joensuu. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology in Peshawar, Pakistan, in 2019. After completing his undergraduate degree, he pursued a master's program in Artificial Intelligence at Kyungpook National University in South Korea. His master's research focused on computer vision applications in medical imaging. Currently, at UEF, his research is centered on using eye tracking technology for the diagnosis and early detection of mild cognitive impairments. This research is part of the MSCA Doctoral Network project Eyes4ICU.
Hasnain Ali Shah is working on DC project 11.

Yiwei Wang
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Yiwei Wang is a doctoral candidate at Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zurich, in the scope of Eyes4ICU project. He received his bachelor’s degree in Remote Sensing Science and Technology from Wuhan University, China, and his master’s degree in Cartography, an Erasmus Mundus joint master program, from Technical University of Munich, Germany. His research interests are on human-computer interaction, deep learning and geoinformation. Currently, he is working on the Gaze-supported Travel Experience Logging.
Yiwei Wang is working on DC project 12.